We all know T.H.C. as a potent canabinoid, famous for its euphoria-inducing impact. But did you know there’s another canabinoid that is surpassing T.H.C’s fame as a rapidly growing popular alternate? We are talking about T.H.C.A. It is pretty similar to T.H.C. but has one major difference. T.H.C.A. is non-euphoric and does not produce the signature “high” like T.H.C.
So, the question boils down to what makes T.H.C.A. such a hype? After all, the signature style of T.H.C. is what attracted flower connoisseurs to begin with.
Don’t worry; we are here to help you break down what T.H.C.A. is all about and how you can still enjoy the desirable effects, maybe this time, more suitably.
Tetra-hydrocanabinolic Acid, or as we commonly call it T.H.C.A, is an inactive compound found in fresh raw flower plants. Even though it shares the molecular DNA of T.H.C, the T.H.C.A. compound comes with an additional carboxyl-group consisting of an extra carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen atom. This additional compound makes T.H.C.A. a non-psycho-active canabinoid. This typically means you can only harvest T.H.C.A. from pure flower flowers, which are not cured or dried under heat.
To understand what’s the difference between T.H.C.A. and T.H.C, and moreover, how T.H.C.A. works to benefit you, we have to first talk about its successor we know all too well - T.H... Unlike T.H.C.A, the compounds found in T.H.C. are active and potent, which means it’s ripe with psycho-active properties and can induce euphoric feelings.
To help you understand the difference better, we have listed the 3 major differences that these two compounds possess-
Potency– Being raw and unadulterated in nature, T.H.C.A. is considered to have a more profound concentration as compared to T.H.C.
Molecular Differences – T.H.C. lacks the additional carboxyl-group, giving T.H.C.A. an added advantage. You can benefit from both its non-psycho-active and psycho-active properties, depending on how you choose to consume it.
Therapeutic Advantages– While both compounds may possess potential therapeutic benefits, the influence it has differs slightly. T.H.C.A, being raw in nature, may find itself associated with anti-inflammatory or anti-nauseatic benefits. On the other hand, T.H.C. may find its usefulness in appetite and mood enhancement or anxiety management.
T.H.C.A, in its raw form, contains potentially inactive compounds that are highly unlikely to get you high. Only when you expose it to heat can T.H.C.A. produce the intoxicating benefits one desires. This process is called Decarb-oxylation, which converts T.H.C.A. into a form of potent T.H.C. known as D9 T.H.C.
So, the next time you want to enjoy your T.H.C.A. with the signature benefits, you may have to smoke or bake it first.
T.H.C.A. can be converted into T.H.C. through various methods, all involving the application of heat to transform the acidic canabinoid into its uplifting cousin.
Let’s explore some popular ways in which T.H.C.A. is decarb-oxylated:
Regardless of the method chosen, the result is converting the canabinoid into T.H.C, which produces the desired effects.
The decarb-oxylation process may open up multiple benefits of T.H.C.A, or the now transformed T.H.C, but did you know the T.H.C.A. isolate itself may possess some profound benefits?
Even though more sound research is needed to concrete the therapeutic benefits of this compound, some common wellness aids may include-
It is important to note that the effects of raw T.H.C.A. may vary from consumer to consumer based on multiple factors like dependency, tolerance levels, compatibility, and more. While this compound may assist you in your wellness journey, one should not use it independently to heal ailments.
The high T.H.C.A. percentage refers to the potency or the concentration of T.H.C.A. in a particular product, such as a flower strain. Flower connoisseurs believe the higher the percentage, the better the experience will be. That being said, moderation is always good when looking for ways to increase your euphoria. Responsible usage can help you enjoy the results without letting the adverse effects create an undesirable situation.
How can you consume T.H.C.A. without getting high?
We understand not everyone is looking to get high. But if you still like to enjoy the benefits of T.H.C.A, here are some popular methods to do so.
Raw Consumption: Add fresh, T.H.C.A.-rich flower leaves or buds to smoothies, salads, or juices. Raw flower has a grassy taste, so it may take some getting used to. You can try different ratios until you get the hang of it and increase it as you go.
Tinctures and Topicals: T.H.C.A. - infused tinctures or topicals are a quick and easy way to consume T.H.C.A. These products are made by extracting the T.H.C.A. from the plant and preserving it without de-carboxylation. Tinctures require sublingual consumption (placed under the tongue), while topicals are used directly on the skin.
Capsules: T.H.C.A. capsules or gels are another way to enjoy the benefits of flower. They can be easily carried anywhere and consumed on the go. Think of it like taking any other pill or supplement. Once you’ve swallowed it, your body will do its thing and absorb the T.H.C.A. goodness.
T.H.C.A. is a unique chemical compound that can help flower connoisseurs enjoy their favorite strain with or without the high. Depending on your consumption, T.H.C.A. can provide potent therapeutic and euphoric benefits, but the key to enjoying T.H.C.A. remains moderation. Despite sharing a family with T.H.C, this compound is more potent and pure, enabling it to satisfy your needs desires effectivly.